Saint Dominic [ XVII secolo ]

Saint Dominic
Saint Dominic Saint Dominic

Saint Dominic Saint Dominic

Story of the church

It is thanks to Archbishop Ursaia that the first stone was laid in 1677, after the Congregation of bishops had advised for the foundation and after Archbishop Del Noce had planted the Cross there , as Mons. Luigi Renzo wrote.
The church became at once part of the Dominican monastery and was built thanks to the financial help of some noble families of Rossano, among which Francesco Labonia's family, as it is remembered in the tombstones of the Triumph arch. Among the most important works we recommend the engraved polychromic marble high altar of the end of the XVII c. , the pulpit and two carved wooden and golden side altars of the XVIII c. as well as the pipe organ , commissioned to Naples at the beginning of the XVIII c.

Other churches in the town of Rossano