Saint Peter and Paul [ XVII secolo ]

Saint Peter and Paul
Saint Peter and Paul Saint Peter and Paul

Saint Peter and Paul Saint Peter and Paul

Story of the church

The Church, built probably in the XVII c. , is characterized by the irregularity of its plan and for the different materials used. For this reason we can suppose that it underwent a lot of changes in the years.
Most of the works of art kept in the church date back to the first half of the XVIII century. Among them there are the font of 1723, the four wooden altars of the right nave of 1729, the painting with the miracles of Saint Anthony of 1724. The coffered ceiling and the marble altars ore surely of the same period .The year to which the wooden Cross , placed on the high altar, dates back , is more dubious . It could date back to the period between the end of the XVIII c. and the beginning of the XIX century.