Saint Mary of Patir [ 1095 ]

Saint Mary of Patir
Saint Mary of Patir  Saint Mary of Patir

Saint Mary of Patir  Saint Mary of Patir

Story of the church

The abbey was founded in 1095 by Saint Bartholomew from Simeri, thanks to the help of Count Ruggero and Norman admiral Cristodulo. It was dedicated to Saint Mary New Odigitria, even if it is known as Saint Mary of Patir, or, according to the popular pronunciation, of Patire . The use of this name , from the Greek word ?( pater, pronounced in Modern Greek patir, that is father) testifies to the particular devotion to the founder father). Since the origins, the building had problems of "ownership ". The Archbishop of Rossano, Nicola Malena , laid claims of jurisdiction . According to the Byzantine law the ownership of the building and the autonomy was forbidden to the monks . In this way Saint Bartholomew from Simeri went to Rome where he managed to obtain from Pope Pasquale II the immunity from the Bishop's authority. The great cultural tradition of the Monastery of Patir , concerning the constructive , calligraphic and illuminating activity, begins with Saint Bartholomew from Simeri and continues with archimandrite Luca , who, in 1137 , commissioned to sculptor Gandolfo the font, now hosted at the Metropolitan Museum in New York . In 1149 Luca's successor, Abbot Blasius, commissioned the wonderful mosaic floor. In it , inside four big rotae a centaur, a griffin, a lion and a unicorn appear. Another important personality was Atanasio Calcheopulo ( 1448-1458), client of the table of the new Odigitria which is in the church of Saints Peter and Paul in Corigliano.
In 1809 the monastery was abolished by the French . In 1915 the structure was sold to the State and, at present , it is ownership of Afor.

Other churches in the town of Rossano