Saint Mary of the Carmine [ 1735 ]

Saint Mary of the Carmine
Saint Mary of the Carmine Saint Mary of the Carmine

Saint Mary of the Carmine

Story of the church

The church Our Lady of the Carmine or Saint Mary of Mount Carmelo was built in 1735, during the deanship of Don P. Ribecco This proof can be seen in the inscription on the altar. It was built thanks to D. Alessandro Cucci, who commissioned also the building of the parsonage for some priests who did not belong to any order and to whom, later, on July 26th he gave the entire structure, with a notarial deed. The church hosts some paintings of the XVIII c., a precious shrine of the same period and a fresco with Our lady of the Carmine painted by Luigi Veltri in 1870.

Other churches in the town of Spezzano Albanese