Lazzaro’s Resurrection

Lazzaro’s Resurrection


The illumination represents Jesus Christ , blessing with his right hand while pronouncing the order:” Lazarus, get up and walk!”. Behind Jesus the group of the apostles can be seen , while in front of him there are Mary, Martha, with their backs to the sepulcher , still unaware of the resurrection of their brother Lazarus. . Two young boys, portrayed between the two women and the cave, express the two sisters’ suffering and their immediate astonishment. To the side of the resurrected man, a young boy appears. He is covered to his nose with a pink gown ,and he seems to lead Lazarus , wrapped in the bands of a white sheet , out of the sepulcher.
In the illumination two scenes of the miracle are depicted : that in which Jesus is prayed for Lazarus’s healing and that in which the miracle is performed .

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