Saint Nilo Abbot [ XVII secolo ]

Saint Nilo Abbot
Saint Nilo Abbot Saint Nilo Abbot

Saint Nilo Abbot

Story of the church

The first stone was consecrated by Bishop Ercole Vaccaro in 1620, when Mario Malena , descendant of the family San Nilo, was mayor. Afterwards the works were interrupted because of financial difficulties, made up by Olimpia Aldobrandini, princess of Rossano. When the works were ended the church was furnished with a wonderful marble altar, made in 1660 by Giuseppe Maria Baratta, as G. Leone claims in a study. A painting depicting the Saint rejecting the insignia of the Bishop of Rossano is placed on the altar. The work is attributed to the school of Gregorio Preti.
In 1892 -1896 the Church was reduced of about one metre to widen the road, therefore, the façade was wholly rebuilt .

Other churches in the town of Rossano